Atlantis 03/2024 EDITORIAL
2024 requires us to urgently reflect on the conditions that are affecting the international political scenario. From the ongoing wars to the crucial elections in Europe and the United States, to the complex construction of the "European house" and the increasingly intense confrontation between the Western bloc and those countries that reject the principles of liberal democracy, the world is at a crossroads.
But perhaps the most worrying phenomenon is the crisis of traditional information, questioned and, in part, overcome by the speed and immediacy of new communication technologies. In a context in which the flow of news travels increasingly quickly and fragmented, we risk losing the ability to build a truly informed and critical public opinion. The impetus of speed suffocates reflection, while public opinion – disoriented by fake news, partial and manipulated information – struggles to understand the real dynamics that drive the world.
The new year brings with it challenges that dangerously remind us of the past. It is as if a specter is hovering, threatening to bring us back, a century later, to the paths of division, conflict and tragedy already traveled. Without a firm anchor in historical awareness, without the ability to draw lessons from our mistakes, we risk repeating mistakes already experienced, sacrificing stability and peace again on the altar of immobility.
Before us lies the possibility - but also the responsibility - of building a more aware society, capable of facing international challenges with clarity. Collective commitment must be aimed at strengthening the culture of dialogue, accurate information and respect for the principles of peace and justice. Only through free, transparent and truth-based information can we hope to guide public opinion towards a real understanding of their role and responsibility.
Donald Trump's victory, in a climate of strong polarizations and internal tensions, requires the European Union to reflect deeply and make an urgent strategic choice. The re-election of a president whose positions often conflict with the founding principles of the European project and whose nationalist and anti-multilateralist vision presents Europe with a challenge: to find the strength to unite and strengthen itself, or risk a slow fragmentation, increasingly isolated and irrelevant on the international scene.
Europe therefore finds itself with its back to the wall, and can no longer afford to remain at a standstill. Global scenarios are becoming more competitive, and the Union must react with a decisive impetus that recalls the legacy of Alcide De Gasperi, one of the founding fathers of a united Europe. De Gasperi dreamed of a cohesive Europe, founded on values of solidarity, respect for rights and democracy, a "common home" capable of guaranteeing security, stability and prosperity to all its members.
Today, resuming that ideal means embracing with conviction not only a more solid and unitary vision, but also a more effective and resolute institutional structure. A "De Gasperi" Europe would be able to speak with a single voice, to act promptly and to reaffirm its values. Such a Europe would not limit itself to reacting to events, but would return to being a protagonist of history, capable of facing with lucidity the challenges posed by global powers.
For this reason, Europe needs a "revival": a renewed impetus to strengthen its institutions, to overcome internal nationalisms, to invest courageously in common defense and to put citizens and values at the center of its actions. The Europe of the future can no longer afford ambiguity or divisions, but must act firmly to safeguard its democratic and humanitarian principles.
Faced with the new era that opens with Trump's victory, the European Union must rediscover its original vocation, and it must do so now. Only in this way will it be able to reaffirm its role as a peaceful power and a beacon of hope for its citizens and for the entire world.